let your home to take care of you

use also your existing SMART devices in your SMART home: TV, satellite receivers, HI-FI system, heating, air conditioners, lights, surveillance, solar electric systems (solar inverters) and many more

Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Ikea, Phillips HUE, Zigbee Home Automation and  hundreds more, you can find whole list here

long therm energy savings

use motion sensors to switch off lights where not needed
with correct setting long therm saving are around 20%
heat up water and your home when electricity is the cheapest or in case you own solar panels when you have excess​, in case of solar panels the cheapest electricity is the one you use from solar panels


use your devices for different purposes, for example if you are home use motion sensors to switch on lights,
but if nobody is home use it as alarm system,
monitor your home in same mobile application where you listen your favorite music


smart home for us is not only possibility to turn light on or turn off air conditioner.
smart home means eg. that light turns on automatically when you come home or you enter the room
and also that air conditioner turns on when you come home and turns off if everyone leaves the home or house

security, backup of IT infrastructure and your home​ devices

  • home security (motion detectors, security cameras, alarm systems, fire, smoke, co2 detectors and alarms, water leak sensors)
  • smart infrastructure security (smart home security, backups, protection against unauthorized access)

back up your data using SMART technologies, we can advice how to protect your home against cyber attacks

control your smart home only in one application, smart phone, tablet or with your PC

complete installation without major reconstruction. lifelong care. warranty and post-warranty service remotely or directly on installation site. counseling about cost saving together also with solar systems.

more SMART posibilities:

consumption controll of home devices
create statistics and graphs of consumption
control your pool and watering
control of AC and heating systems, thermostatic radiator valve
control multimedia, smart TV, satellite receivers, music players, electric blinds, lights
control safety features (alarm, cameras, smoke and motion detectors)
garage door control

contact information:

call: +421 944 283533
Email: info@ismarthome.sk

free smart home consultation, onsite Bratislava and Trnava districts

Business name: iSmart Home
Place of business: Veľká Budafa 11, 930 34 Holice
IČO: 34 588 833, DIČ: 1025942830

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